View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000551ascendmac-supportpublic2013-02-26 13:42
Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformMacOSLion 10.7OS VersionMac OS
Product Version 
Target Version0.9.9Fixed in Version 
Summary0000551: In the 0.9.8 Mac OS
DescriptionCrack when open a model.
Steps To ReproduceTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/pygtk/", line 1174, open_click(self=<gtkbrowser.Browser instance>, *args=(<gtk.ToolButton object at 0x105c54a00 (GtkToolButton at 0x7f9c958239f0)>,))
            self.do_open( _filename)
          except RuntimeError,e:
  variables: {'_filename': ('local', '/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/models/plotcol.a4c'), 'self.do_open': ('local', <bound method Browser.do_open of <gtkbrowser.Browser instance at 0x101e5a998>>)}
  File "/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/pygtk/", line 699, do_open(self=<gtkbrowser.Browser instance>, filename='/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/models/plotcol.a4c')
        # Load the current list of modules into self.modules
  variables: {'self.library': ('local', <ascpy.Library; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Library *' at 0x1035beea0> >), 'self.moduleview.refresh': ('local', <bound method ModuleView.refresh of <moduleview.ModuleView instance at 0x105c56e18>>)}
  File "/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/pygtk/", line 64, refresh(self=<moduleview.ModuleView instance>, library=<ascpy.Library; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Library *' at 0x1035beea0> >)
            #print "ADDING TYPE %s" % _n
            _piter = self.modulestore.append(_r , [ _n, "", _w ])
            _path = self.modulestore.get_path(_piter)
  variables: {'self.modulestore.append': ('local', <built-in method append of gtk.TreeStore object at 0x105c5b6e0>), '_piter': (None, None), '_w': ('local', <enum PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD of type PangoWeight>), '_r': ('local', <GtkTreeIter at 0x7f9c94982d80>), '_n': ('local', abc_demo_plot_column)}
TypeError: value is of wrong type for this column
TagsNo tags attached.




2012-04-21 07:20

administrator   ~0000872

It could be that you're using a too-new version of GTK here, perhaps? Or some dependency is missing?

Start off by testing something REALLY simple eg code/trunk/models/johnpye/testlog10.a4c or something like that.


2012-04-21 07:36

reporter   ~0000873

For default my python version is 2.7.1

In the jhbuild is 2.7.2

te Output for code/trunk/models/johnpye/testlog10.a4c is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/pygtk/", line 1174, open_click(self=<gtkbrowser.Browser instance>, *args=(<gtk.ImageMenuItem object at 0x105c5dbe0 (GtkImageMenuItem at 0x7f9c941bc1d0)>,))
            self.do_open( _filename)
          except RuntimeError,e:
  variables: {'_filename': ('local', '/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/models/johnpye/testlog10.a4c'), 'self.do_open': ('local', <bound method Browser.do_open of <gtkbrowser.Browser instance at 0x101e5a998>>)}
  File "/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/pygtk/", line 699, do_open(self=<gtkbrowser.Browser instance>, filename='/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/models/johnpye/testlog10.a4c')
        # Load the current list of modules into self.modules
  variables: {'self.library': ('local', <ascpy.Library; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Library *' at 0x1035beea0> >), 'self.moduleview.refresh': ('local', <bound method ModuleView.refresh of <moduleview.ModuleView instance at 0x105c56e18>>)}
  File "/Users/lucialoyola/ascen/pygtk/", line 64, refresh(self=<moduleview.ModuleView instance>, library=<ascpy.Library; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Library *' at 0x1035beea0> >)
            #print "ADDING TYPE %s" % _n
            _piter = self.modulestore.append(_r , [ _n, "", _w ])
            _path = self.modulestore.get_path(_piter)
  variables: {'self.modulestore.append': ('local', <built-in method append of gtk.TreeStore object at 0x105c5b6e0>), '_piter': (None, None), '_w': ('local', <enum PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD of type PangoWeight>), '_r': ('local', <GtkTreeIter at 0x7f9c94bf4e20>), '_n': ('local', testlog10)}
TypeError: value is of wrong type for this column


2012-04-21 07:37


Captura de pantalla 2012-04-20 a la(s) 16.31.42.png (416,099 bytes)


2012-04-21 08:00

administrator   ~0000874

Email from: John Pye <>

Probably should try to check that everything is being loaded correctly.
Have you got CUnit (mingw64 branch) installed? Make sure the main CUnit
tests are working correctly (check to see which those

On 20/04/12 15:36, Mantis Bug Tracker wrote:
> A NOTE has been added to this issue.
> [EmailReporting -> Removed part identified as reply]

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-04-21 04:16 ccardenasf New Issue
2012-04-21 07:20 john Note Added: 0000872
2012-04-21 07:36 ccardenasf Note Added: 0000873
2012-04-21 07:37 ccardenasf File Added: Captura de pantalla 2012-04-20 a la(s) 16.31.42.png
2012-04-21 08:00 john Note Added: 0000874
2013-02-26 13:42 john Target Version => 0.9.9